Sunday, November 6, 2011

Street Statues

There are many characters on the streets of Chicago begging, singing, dancing, and performing for your money.  There are even a few shoe shiners (they don't care if you have tennis shoes on, they still want to shine them)!  Eric and I were especially fond of the contortionist who used to perform in his skin-tight hot green leopard print leotard (can you picture it now?) on our old street.  

But this was a new one for me... a girl pretending to be a statue.  She holds extremely still, but will sometimes move ever so slightly if you get up close. This scares quite a few people!  It was fun to just watch people walk by and see their reaction to her.  I don't know about you, but I would never be able to hold still for so long! 


  1. Oh my! I would definitely jump and scream at the sight of her. Weird. Thanks for this unique taste of Chicago. hehe!

  2. Ha, yes, it's weird to think that she thinks people will give her money for scaring them... but hey, I guess if it works, more power to her!
