Thursday, August 18, 2011

View from Chicago Cares

Tonight I attended a volunteer training at the Chicago Cares office... and boy do they have a great view! Check it out.Anyone who knows me knows I am a huge proponent of volunteering and getting all my friends and family involved in various charities and nonprofits (hopefully at a young age so they will become life-long volunteers and pass on this lifestyle to their children).

If you are in Chicago, look up Chicago Cares. They are a wonderful organization with 215 ongoing volunteer opportunities throughout the year plus a handful of large one day volunteer events ranging in
-helping the hungry & homeless
-improving our environment
-uplifting senior citizens
-hanging out with troubled youth
-painting with individuals with disabilities
-tutoring adults going back to school, etc. etc. etc... you name it, they've got it. They've got something for absolutely everyone. If you aren't in Chicago, look up a local nonprofit that you are interested in. If you aren't interested in anyone in particular, consider going to a large diverse nonprofit that is going to offer a variety of opportunities such as United Way or Salvation Army or of course, any local school, hospital, church, etc. Or check out the nonprofits in your area that are currently advertising for help at VolunteerMatch. Or just come to me, I'll happily find you a nonprofit who needs your help!
Too busy to volunteer in person? Volunteer online at Sparked.

You have no excuse anymore...

1 comment:

  1. Chicago Cares is awesome! I used to volunteer with them, it's a fantastic program! - Alexis
